earn 40 thousand taka per month with mobile at home

earn 40 thousand taka per month with mobile at home

 You will be able to earn 40 thousand taka per month with mobile phone sitting at home

 If you click on today's title, then you will get your link, then click on the link to create an account. To create an account, first enter your name, then your number, then your username.

 First your name then any number then I agree click here money click on register button ok friends my account is created then you will get bonus account by account you are today 200 rupees then see here it is written in your available balance  200 taka to him now after Beka comes, see how he does a thousand taka like this

 But there are many VIP levels. Click on the first thing that I will show you. See what is written. Then friends, I will click on recharge. Then you can research through any Bikash cash. I will click on cash. Click on thank you and give your amount.  Click friends then click you cash account number here

 Check your number screenshot payment screenshot you enter here you enter this number you give this cash number after screenshot I will get money in my account in a short time then wait for you I click on profile iPhone I click twice from the app then but  But one thousand taka will be added to my available balance

 But today I can earn money from here if you invest money but you will get bonus like Rs.  Go to 100% loading

 You will wait but you will get 100% loading. If you wait but you can earn. Friends will give you answer after loading. You will submit from here.  But there are many more tasks you will complete

 You can do the numbers from here, but you can earn by doing this, you have to earn by doing this, but there are many things you can earn by doing them. Then click on profile, you can earn. I will click on home, then when friends come to the phone, you  Click on home icon if you don't get money today tell us who we are as admin

 I will collect your money but I will but you can earn by clicking but if you want to withdraw your money you will click on this icon develop then cash rocket I will withdraw money through cash I will withdraw money 700 taka then click on confirm ok then  But you can withdraw your money ok friends withdraw your money but it is very simple to withdraw your money from here

 Click on CONFRAM and type your development number here. Type your number here. From here, you can earn 1000 rupees from here.  You will get free if you click on youtube but you will get video ok see how many show here

 You will see him and how much money is in your balance show here then you all can earn how much you refer how many people here all friends can earn money everyone so tape care brother Allah Hafez one level you have to see follow well see here your  First it says two and a half hundred taka means 250 taka you click

 If you activate this package, you can earn so much money, then you can earn 100 rupees, friends, but I will show you all the work matters.  So friends you will see them

 Whenever you withdraw your money through Bikash cash, you will get your money in your account within 24 hours. Friends, now I will show you the tasks to clear you, so you click on this add balance, I will give amount 1250 and I will give money to him, here I will give only 1500 taka 1500  But I will add the money now, which means that you will send the money to this number to this number

 But now I send money to this number, but I will put the transaction ID here and I can eat many things, friends, you enter the transaction number to send money to this number, then submit a screenshot here, if you don't get it, click on it. It is currently pending.  I will get Rs 1500 in your account within one to two minutes and maximum within five minutes

 But I will accept the package and earn money for each add and show you how to withdraw the money. Ok friends, the money has just been added to my balance. Now I will download the score and then see here your diamond on diamond is coming. Now I will click on it.  I will do it, friends, but I have refreshed, now see what is said here, but friends, I will square down

 Now you will see these two ads. Ok, you will click on this ad. When you click on this loading, you will click on the full view. Then you will see the rest of the ads. After coming back, you will see the rest of the ads.  Loading you have to wait 5 seconds friends wait 5 seconds here you click 200 taka watch now

 All of you will do it more but it's ok to tell you then you all will get money write the comment only 13 taka I got money in just one minute now see the proof see now I will open the message then I am clicking the sms then click the sms  Have to do then see



 Friends, because when they send money to you, they have a send money cost and you can withdraw your money through Bkash Cash Recharge, so the site proves it 100%, so friends, today's video, until now, you all will be fine.  Tech care brother Allah Hafez

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