online taka income 2023 govt money 2023
online taka income 2023 govt money 2023
ok guys i just received my fifteen days income but 15000 taka in bikash account i will open the message now after watching today's video you can earn 15000 taka plus income per month but only in 15 days see u have received taka 15000 watch only 2 Minutes ago but got money You will own the app yourself and others will work on your app in exchange for which you sit back
But you can earn 15000 taka plus every month and you can receive your money through bank Dutch-Bangla Bank Islami Bank Sonali Bank Bikash Rocket any way I earned 15 k in just 15 days I can earn a good amount every month Alhamdulillah This is your prayers and love so friends I show you the proof of the money I got I will do it again look search here money income keep money income I will search here when
Look guys you will get thousands of softwares like Golam 95% apps give you small income by working like Golam but they are butper but they pay 100% like you will run the app today you will own the app after you become the owner if the owner is good If you are bad yourself then you will not pay anyone but the rule of the world is that if you don't pay the consequences of suffering you will be responsible in the afterlife.
So friends please like today's video and tell your opinion in the comments and share the video on facebook messenger imo I will share it with you but if you want to know the matter clearly today's video will watch you with full attention and patience if you don't you can't earn your whole life worked on the app slaved but got money why i cant say that only those who worked can say better i will show you a demo
So see to show the demo I am bringing the app myself in my own app I have created a new one but I will show you the demo here I will search for the demo see I have got the demo app my app name is demo I am going to show you this app but I have clicked I need to clear the account by doing I think this is your app you are the owner of this app now you will create account you will click on the don't want button for that
Then give the number after your name give it a pin number after giving the number any number from one to eight you click on the register button now you have to do it guys now you have to click on the login button so the video is big but you have to watch it patiently Give the number with which you created the account. Support is done. You will add your Telegram group. Look at it. It is here. This app will work. Now the matter should be clear.
You will add your bkash rocket cash number in this app now when your member will work on your app he will have to endow 300 taka now to invest 300 taka click on this icon bkash cash rocket now remember this Do your number think it's your number you are the owner of the app now I think member I will do something for you now I copy your number
I will send 300 taka to your number and you will accept from your admin panel, if you accept, but 300 taka will be added to my balance. It is possible to earn through the admin panel, enter the channel admin, then after writing one, two, three, four, you click on the login button.
This is your admin channel if you want pin number user name you can change it here total user click here how many users are working in your app how many members total you can know here pay him then panel but you can add it if you want to add it plus icon You have to click here on Daily Earning after giving him how much income you will give him here how many days you can work here then here you write VIP three after giving him you click on add new plan
It will be added in your app, I have entered, now I will go to bake, but I will exit the app, after exiting, I will show you the proof, in fact, VIP VIP in the app, see I am VIP three from the admin panel, but I have added my VIP. But it has been added. Now see I will invest. If you want to invest, here is the number. After paying, you need to give the amount.
But you are pending I will enter the admin panel again I have to accept the request now I will give the admin panel information here I will click on the login button OK see friends now I am withdrawing 1000 taka from the app and select the status and click see It has been approved. Now I will enter the app. In fact, it will show you whether 1000 taka has been added to the balance in the app.
Now I will click on package number three and click on active plane. See if I can earn 100 taka by clicking on one plane. Then 100 taka will be added to my balance, that's why red has been added, then when the add is opened, you will see loading, then 100 taka will be added to the balance, I will click, then my friends will pay 100%, so among all apps, I will exit from the app, exit from the app, exit from the app. After coming, I will show you that my Incan money does not have a balance. From now on, others will invest in your app
You will sit and control your app and you will receive the income. No one can do it, but don't be arrogant, don't be jealous, give everyone a chance to earn. So friends, until today, you will all be fine, wherever you are, you will all be fine. So everyone pray for me take care brother Allah Hafez