Earn 20 thousand taka per month for students

Earn 20 thousand taka per month for students

Earn 20 thousand taka per month for students

 Friends, you first click on today's title, then you will get the website link, then I will click on the link, then friends, click on the link, you have to create an account in the right way, how do you create an account on this website today, how do you work?

 I will discuss all the issues today pin number then with pin number you will put this verification code here like this the verification code number you will type it nicely here you can create it friends but you can create the account then see the first package but  you can do

 So you account but from here you get 144 more money guys I do all the work you get 140 more bonus money see from here you have to do now after you come see friends here is the membership system click here then see label four five six them but you will see  See you guys after coming back

 You can invite friend to double from here. Click here. This is your referral link. If you want, you can copy and refer your link.  Coming one percent here total team commission today commission show here ok

 Besides, friend, by clicking this copy, you can refer, invite bonus, you can refer, earn, show here, show, but you can receive, if you click, you will get 140 Tk bonus, you will get 144 Tk.  From here what you need to follow is VIP ONE 140 Tk VRPF Tk 700 then see VIP THREE 17 VP 42 then

 Friends, what should I do now, I will click on the menu icon, then see what is written, click here, then top or select 1200 rupees.  You will send money to this number by copying the amount of money that you will activate the package

 You will send to this number and the amount you will send to this number you will take a screenshot you will leave the number then friends the transaction number you will submit here confirm click here click here friends check from here only you click on order of today person order click on purse  If you do matching, you will complete the orders and earn

 ok guys click do today you have to complete then you will get income again click on next test then click click on purse then click on purse your income will be done friends you have to complete then but you can earn from online see friends do this you only 18 taka you are done  Check out the Income of Today topics

 VIP invites you to watch from here but you can earn more then after coming back you all work from watch then click on the menu icon telegram workshop here you join then I click on the window then here you give your money amount  Enter the amount and then select Bikash Cash, then here is your username in which name you will withdraw money

 Give his name, then give the development number, after clicking on it, this website will prove 100% from here, then you all will work, but you will have to earn 100% from here by referring, but you invite your friends, you invite your friends, but wait until you earn.  Percent sixty taka here you can work only for twelve months then VIP two has 650 VIP

 Then 2550 then five thousand five hundred so that the prices are there and how many months you will be valid and you will show bye from daily vip that's why I will seriously click then see this confirm button I will click now friends Manoj is for me  It was 415 taka, but I have activated the package with 1250 more taka.

 All of you will run away here, when the work is done, I will click on home, then after I come, see, it is done, friend, what you need to follow is cash development, you can invest through any means, but I will click on cash, click on this cash, here is your  If you need to give the amount, I will click, then you will click on confirm, how will you account

 I will show this a little later, then I will click, friends, see here your number and the number that is here, send money to this number and from the number that you give that number here, the money will be added.  Then look at me but look today but he has earned around 1650 and Rs

 Give your amount of money, how much will you wait and you will get 15 taka bonus, then I will click on confirm, then see friends, I don't have money in my account, but it looks like this, then I will give 200 taka, then I will click on confirm, when I click on confirm button, then see.  It says that there is no money in my account, minimum you have to wait another 400 taka

 Now I will pay 400 taka at home then I will click on confirm button now maybe I can withdraw the money ok guys now I will show you how to create account but for that I will logout then logout then see you account creation your number username  You will do this first by adding any number after the name

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 Then give pen number same pen number here you click on agree you have to login with user id password then you can make account in this site today then friends you all will be fine

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