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govt anudan 2023 online income govt money 2023 online taka income 2023

govt anudan 2023 online income govt money 2023 online taka income 2023

part time job you can earn 2 to 3 thousand taka daily. Assalamualaikum after watching today's video you all can work through mobile for short time daily for free, you can earn 2 to 3 thousand taka and your money can rocket to cash.  If you want to earn money online, you will have to watch today's video without paying full attention because many people do not watch the whole video

As a result, your account is blocked by the company or the company doesn't pay you. The main reason is that you don't watch the video. Facebook will share today's video with all your friends in the class so that you all can earn money and like and comment on the video.  Nice write up comment 7 minutes ago I got payment two thousand three hundred taka see I got money in my rocket account

Now I will open the message and then see the amount is 2300 taka and the form number is written today's date and time. I will show you the proof again on live.  You may be studying or working in any company or you are working in the government. Many people are studying

But you are in a lot of problems. If you want, after watching today's video, you can earn money every day by working and taking out your money.  Selfie account can withdraw money through any means

You will have to watch the whole video patiently and attentively you will open the open downloaded super I will ask you to work like this you will work like this above you will click on the logo France German Singapore Japan I will select the US country and click the connect button Friends Connect button whenever  Click you need to connect see royal money today in our telegram group

Or if you save in today's video description but you will get your link if you can work you can do something good in your life see here you can work your life time as google's verification app ok see you need to click on sign up button to make account please watch the video carefully  You will have to click View then you will have to login to your account

As I will login to my account number and password here I will enter my account in today's app see I have account before Royal mean see you need to join telegram group you must download telegram application from play store if your  If you do not have an account, you will search on YouTube, how to create a Telegram account, I am sharing the application

Here it is said who received how much money payment see all the payment proof but today's telegram group says everyone but join the telegram group see who you will do see profile icon profile icon I will click on profile icon friends click on profile icon now follow you that matter  To do see the current I am in membership silver then see the refer code how many tasks you have done then see the board written

You will click on the board. If you click on the board, you will know who has earned how much money. Look here, but everyone's details are told. Then look like this, but many people have got money. Ok, friends, click on the icon of the bank. Please click on the icon of your bank. Please everyone like and red color button in today's video.  Please support me by clicking on the subscribe button, see here there are two numbers, Bikash Personal Cash, the personal number you need to add the copy money.

Look here silver is your tension 60 taka then gold and gold package is taka 450 in diamond one thing is what money you will accept my current silver package is accepted you can activate any package by activating the package then see here it says once package add  You can work for unlimited life time means you activate the package once

And you don't have to add money, so think that from here you will activate the package by paying 60 taka, silver package, for this your Bikash cash, select from which number you will send money, for example, I will send money from Bikash account, click on this number 360  After sending the money, see the number from which you will send the money. Enter your amount here after writing silver

After you select and send money from here, you will get transaction ID, you will press it here, I will show you the SMS, see I clicked on Bikash SMS, then see it is written here, but you will have a different number.  After your money is added you must connect BN then work

So, if you want to work, you will like, friends, you will have to do twelve tasks, you will click, then wait for two seconds, then your work will be completed. See View Success. If there is any medium, you will have to complete twelve tasks. If you have MB, you will be able to work.  So, friends, watch today's video carefully

In this way, you have to complete twelve tasks, but if you don't click on add, your account will be blocked, which means that the company will block your account.  From here see what you will do here type your development number of your beautiful

After doing this, click on your ATM button to see that the current balance is only 50 thousand 350 taka.


Actually you will get proof through app I just got money can you show the proof so friends till today you all will be fine take care by Allahafez

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